This blog about friendship. And we hope this friendship still remain forever although all of us marry soon hehehe..peace xoxo

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

BFF !!

Sharing problem..lepaking..karok..movies..vacation TOGETHER..U ALL THE BEST LARH..SAYANG KORANG KETAT2 OUH..Next vacation sedihnyaaaa wanie tak dapat follow sob sob sob..Sabah here we coming..Aki house at Ranau  and then vacation at Kota Kinabalu..

With Love,
Nuramoy Zieta xoxo


  1. Aki: next time k wanie.. And smpat lagi klau nk beli ticket skrg.. Huhu

  2. nuramoy zieta: next vacation kt g sekali ya wanie..x mau sad taw..
